A snap-shot of Aussie culture from a Pom's point of view.
abbo - Aboriginal
AFL - Australian Football League - rugby with strange (Aussie) rules that nobody except people from Victoria seems to understand
Akubra - wide-brimmed hat made from rabbit pelts, popular with farmers
Australia - a land down-under (also aussie, oz)
barbie - barbeque
bash - to beat up
billabong - Aborginial for waterhole; a brand of surfwear
billy - old tin swaggies used to boil tea in
blue heeler - a cattle dog with blue-grey fur
boogie board - shorter and wider than a surf board, you lie on it with your lower legs in the sea and surf the waves
boardies - board shorts, used to surf in
bunyip - dangerous creature from Aboriginal mythology that lives in billabongs
capsicum - a pepper
cataract - when someone opens your eye when you're asleep and ejaculates in it
Cherry Ripe - a popular cherry-flavoured chocolate bar
chips - crisps (potato chips)
combie - an old Volkswagon camper van popular with hippies
dag - a sad loser
doona - a duvet
Driza Bone - brand of waterproof overcoat used by farmers
dunny - toilet (also dunny can)
fair dinkum - genuine; "it's the truth!"
feral - a psychopathic hippy
festy - ugly, nasty, gross
footy - rugby
funnelweb - a deadly, aggressive spider found in and around Sydney
g'day - hello
goin' bush - to go out and live like a feral
gouge - when someone sticks their finger up your arse (usually with intent to irritate rather than arouse)
hot chips - chips (fried potatoes)
how ya goin'? - how are you
icy pole - a square of ice cream on a stick; a lolly
joey - a young kangaroo
kangaroo - a large marsupial that hops on its hind legs and brings up its young in a pouch
kelpie - a cattle dog
knee high to a grasshopper - when you were a small child, e.g. "I haven't seen you since you were knee high to a grasshopper!"
kookaburra - a small kingfisher bird with a distinctive laughing, monkey-like call
lamington - a cube or finger-shaped sponge cake, covered in chocolate and sprinkled with coconut, sometimes with cream and jam in the middle
legend - compliment; someone who's really cool (also "ledge")
Maccas - McDonalds
middy - a half-pint glass, usually of beer (10 oz; 285 ml; 1 unit of alcohol)
mongrel - asshole
nip - a shot of spirit
oily - when someone wipes the sweat from their arse crack and wipes it off on someone else's upper lip
Pom - a Brit
rack off - go away
redback - a dangerously poisonous spider
redheaded rat rooter - insult to someone with red hair
rip - a place in the sea where two currents cross over and produce a third current that pulls down underwater and usually back out to sea, dangerous to swimmers
rooted - to be fucked (something that may happen when rorted); to be broken
rorted - extremely drunk
rural - someone who lives in rural areas
sambo - a sandwich
sanger - a sandwich
semi - a semi-trailer, a long vehicle
schooner - a glass, usually of beer (15 oz; 375 ml; 1.4 units of alcohol)
scrag - a dirty whore
shocker - exclamation, usually for something kind of festy; e.g. "that's a shocker!"
Slim Dusty - Australian country singer famous for such songs as "G'day, g'day"
soccer - football
spoof - semen
sprog - to ejaculate; semen
State of Origin - rugby league played between NSW and Queensland
stone the crows - exclamation; "bloody hell"
strewth - exclamation; "wow"
strike a light - exclamation; "fancy that"
Stubbies - brand of very short work/school shorts, not to be confused with the drink
stubby - a bottle of beer, equivalent to a schooner in volume
stubby holder - a foam container to stop stubbies from getting warm while held
swag - very thin mattress rolled up in a blanket which a swaggy used to sleep on when he stopped in the bush at night
swag man - olden day person who wandered Australia looking for work carrying his swag (also swaggy)
thongs - flip-flops
Tim Tam - a delicious chocolate biscuit that comes in many varieties, Tim Tams can also be used to drink hot drinks such as coffee through them by biting off two opposite corners and holding it over the drink until the inside melts a little then sucking on one corner
Toohey's New - Aussie lager
trucky - a lorry driver
ute - short for utility; a kind of truck
VB - Victoria Bitter; beer made in Victoria
Vegemite - a spread made from yeast extract, similar but nicer than Marmite
wog - someone with Mediterranean features, e.g. Italian
yowie - Australian bigfoot that supposedly lives in the bush