Assuming a race discovers some technology that allows instantaneous transfer of spacecraft between any two points in space (known from here on as "jumping"), where the energy expenditure is such that it is practical to jump anywhere in the universe, that race would still colonise the nearest habitable systems first in any period of expansion.
The reasoning behind this theory is limited and obviously cannot be validated in our age of pre-stellar civilisation, but is more probable than the alternative(s), in my opinion:
These two concepts form the basic precept which underlies the whole simulation; the only real constraint on expansion other than minor factors such as colony age and other races.
Racial variables
Varies in wartime etc.
To simplify matters, a certain indice means 50% of resources are being allocated towards that goal and the rest are being distributed evenly.
Some simple relations:
You will need the JDK to compile and run this source code. It runs well on a Pentium II, although the graphics
are a bottleneck due to the standard libraries not supporting any kind of single pixel plotting routine.
B. Explanation of some variables in code
The variable "agress" is a bipolar measure of a race's general agression
towards others. For example, an extreme positive value would probably mean a warlike, bloody violent race who put little value on life in general, for some reason. This generally varies towards one extreme with great age, representing the cyclic nature of race-mentality, perhaps even "penduluming" if the race survives long enough.
"iq" is the race's base genetic intelligence. This is basically the factor that determines the race's rate of technological advance. It is difficult to alter unless the race's tech level is very advanced.
This is another bipolar variable representing the race's general attitude to each of the other races. It is affected by many factors.
-127: Unity. Same minds, same dreams, same soul. Total alliance.
-64: Friend. Similar interests or brought together in war.
0: Neutral.
64: Hostile.
127: Jihad.
How long a certain war against another race has left, decided by staying power, relations, wisdom and relative size.
NOTE: A war in this simulation is defined as ACTIVE agression towards another race; i.e. invasive behaviour. A race can have +127 in its relation towards another race but not be actually at war with them.
This is not conventional all-encompassing wisdom, but a measure of a race's xenopsychology and philosophy; basically how well they can understand other races alien to them. Also includes historical pragmatism; how well they have learnt from past mistakes. This variable will increase with prolongued exposure to varied alien cultures and wars, but will decrease over times of isolation. A positive value describes a conclusion that war isn't useful, practical or good.
How dedicated towards a cause over prolonged lengths of time the race will generally be. Generally increases with age. Is a factor in calculations such as how long wars last, how quickly diplomatic relations alter, etc.
How productive the race is. e.g. a slug-like race, however intelligent, ain't gonna make much stuff. GRP (gross racial product) is calculated with tech level as well though, simulating automated production technologies such as factories etc.
Politics! Not really. Pseudo-politics; basically describes which of the many ways resources are being used at the time.
0 [NONE]: Even distribution
1 [TECH]: Technology
2 [WAR]: War (weapons, vehicle manufactoring, infantry training etc.)
3 [CULT]: Culture (important building restoration/contruction etc.)
4 [COLONY]: Expansion. Default at start -- dawn of interstellar travel!
The general technology level of the race. Technology advances made from friendships with other races, intelligence of own race and resource allocation.
The post-interstellar age of the race in years.
Hard to quantify in the real world, but here it's an arbitrary value defining the richness and diversity of the race's culture and heritage. Increased by older colonies, political orientation. Destroyed by prolongued extremes of
racial contact, e.g. wars and unifications. The soul of a race.
int first_contact_attitude = wisdom * agress
long int GRP = tech * product * total_pop
boolean start_war = (our_grp / their_grp) * (agress / wisdom) + relation/63
int length_of_war = (staying - wisdom) * agress
int yearly_tech_advance = (GRP * policy_factor) * (iq + staying/2)
C. Download the source code